I think there's a real need for easy-to-use repositories of diverse, expert perspectives on a wide range of issues. Bookmark these regardless of if you're an extemper, debater, or a casual reader who just wants to understand the different sides of global issues that affect us all. Project Syndicate - Database of short articles written by some of the world's most influential policymakers, advisers, and businessmen. Updated daily. The Conversation - Publishing source for countless academics writing easy-to-grasp articles on any issue you can think of. Updated daily. Harvard Think-tank Search - A Google Custom Search hooked up to the websites of the world's most respected institutions and think-tanks. NYT's Room for Debate - A database of diverse opinion columnsists, organized by debate topics in the form of questions. Updated somewhat frequently. Foreign Affairs' Brain Trust - Brain Trust articles feature a definitive foreign policy question, followed b...